Tuesday, August 15, 2006

PERSONAL New Apartment, New Topics!
Just as the true test of a quarterback is his arm-strength, or the true test of a Texan how many guns he or she owns, the true test of a microwave--as we all know--is the popcorn button. Yes, nothing more simple for a microwave than popping a bag of popping corn into it and hitting the one magical button... to be treated by wave upon wave of fluffy popcorny goodness. And yet, even though the mechanics of it are simple, there seems to be nothing more difficult for a microwave than popping a good bag of popcorn. The microwave at my apartment on LaSalle historically burned the crap out of a bag of popcorn. The microwave at Chelsey's apartment, on the other hand, neither burned nor popped particularly well. What came out was a truly uninspiring bag of popcorn. The microwave at out new apartment, however, seems to have magically infused each bit with the taste of marshmallows (or some other yummy candy)... because I could swear that I'm eating some kind of candy when I eat the popcorn here *points to new place with no furniture... just a computer and the floor* And it's a good thing that the popcorn's good, because there is no other food in this apartment. At all. Nothing close to food here. There's food outside... and it's pretty close. But there's none here. Why am I here then?

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