Wednesday, November 09, 2005

PERSONAL I Still Have Connections
I don't, actually, still have connections... but every so often, I feel like I do. Today was one of those days. Today I got an email from Ticketmaster. Ever since my purchase of "Wicked" tickets this past summer, I have received emails from Ticketmaster. Most of the time, I look at the email they send me just to see if there are sports event tickets that are cheap (read: Blackhawk tickets). But this time the email contained complimentary tickets to a show at The (famous) Chicago Theatre. It didn't matter what the show was (The Boy Friend)... it didn't matter who was in it or who directed it (Julie Andrews)... I had the chance to take my wonderful and deserving girlfriend to a show in Chicago for next-to-nothing (after all the fees, still at least $75 less than we would have otherwise spent), and I took it. As such, next Tuesday night, Chelsey and I will be headed to The Chicago Theatre for a show. Isn't that exciting? (Hint: Um... It's a musical. I don't know about this one. Oh well... Chelsey will enjoy it, that's all that matters to me)

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