Monday, September 05, 2005

PERSONAL Labor Day? Yeah, right...
Well, here I am. It's Labor Day and I am still without labor. There is very good news, however. Chelsey's job offer is for more money than we had originally thought. Finally, he says while sighing heavily, good things are happening to good people. I feel like MCs job will finally be the motivation I need to actually get that elusive job. Mr. James P thinks Chelsey should share the wealth and tell the other job she was offered to hire me. I think he's right; Dubs is being very selfish. Getting dozens of job offers and not tossing one my way... please! That's so rude. She's a rude gus.
Hee hee... That was fun. What the hell was my point? Oh yeah! It's Labor Day and I'm without labor. Right. What a shitty situation. I'm rapidly approaching a year without labor... and my goal is to have a job (a BETTER job) by the year's anniversary of that fateful day. Perhaps, on that day, I will say a prayer for she-who-must-not-be-named... as she will no doubt live her life devoid of people who love her. And, perhaps, that day would be the perfect time to bury my year-long bitterness. But don't hold your breath... I love being bitter.
FOOTBALL We've Got Ourselves A Game
Before the season started, I thought the Notre Dame/Michigan game (September 10th) would be a slaughter. There was no way, I thought, that ND could compete. Now, a decimation of Pitt and a terrible defensive showing against NIU later, and the ND/Mich game has an air of intrigue. I have no doubt that Michigan's defense will show up and play their best next weekend... but I don't know if their best will be good enough. Notre Dame's offense is better than I anticipated... and, from an article I read, better than they thought they'd be as well. Michigan's offense, however, is equally formidable. Mike Hart is a stud, running over linebackers on his way to the end-zone. Is Notre Dame's defense good enough to stop them? I doubt it. Now we have a back-and-forth type of game on our hands. What will make the difference? Michigan's special teams (oh! the forgotten special teams!) have a definite edge over ND... and will probably make the difference. If this game were to be played in South Bend, I would tip the scales back towards ND... but, in the Big House, the edge will go to Michigan. I'm excited for the game next Saturday... should be a good one!
NATIONAL NEWS What Does New Orleans Have In Common With The Third World... ?
Seeing the faces, the video, and the pictures of the people of New Orleans... is disturbing to say the least. But I can't help but notice something. Mute the TV and watch those same images... and you'll find yourself being able to believe that this is anywhere in the world. In fact, if the TV was muted and someone said that their was another tsunami someplace in southwest Asia or (probably more accurately) that a tsunami hit Africa... you wouldn't even think twice about it. So desperate is the situation... so BLARING the impoverishedness of our lowest classes in this country... that the situation in New Orleans is more easily believed to be a situation in a third world country. "How," one asks, "could this happen in the United States?" The answer to THAT question is simple... and one that will make people groan when I give it. It's the President. I'm sorry... but it's true for two reasons: 1) Such was the President's zeal (and I think zeal is an appropriate word for the fanaticism displayed by the administration) for attacking those who might attack us, that he was paying attention only to "without" and not "within." With all the resources and funds of the government going towards freeing (read: attacking) Iraq, who was paying attention to what was going on at home? Hint: No one, apparently. And 2) It takes someone who has never had to really work a day in his life to have the views that our President has. Abolish a government-secured retirement so that people can invest, win or lose, however they see fit? Sounds like a perfect idea to someone who's never had to worry about money. This idea... and the ideas he has, are all indicative of someone who's obviously never worried about having enough money. This is, I'm sorry to say, a very Republican view of the world. People can and should take care of themselves and, if they can't, they deserve whatever comes to them because they're lazy, etc. This is the view of someone who needs not worry about money. But what happens when a natural disaster destroys people's lives indiscriminately? Well, the Republicans will point to those people in the New Orleans area who were "smart enough" to get insurance on everything. I put "smart enough" in quotes because I could have easily replaced that phrase with the phrase "wealthy enough" and the sentence means the same thing. This is one place that the "bleeding heart" liberals have it all over the conservatives. Liberals would have a plan... or, at the very least, would drop everything to figure out how to help. Everything includes dropping their VACATION. *shakes head* For anyone who still thinks Bush is "the guy"... I can't think of another President in the history of the United States who takes more vacation days than this one. It seems like a third of his days are spent on vacation. It gives the impression that the President is like the President of the Galaxy in Hitchhiker's Guide... someone who is a figurehead, there to distract everyone from the real process of running the government. Speaking of distracting, where was I? Oh yes... taking the trite route by blaming the government. But the government is trying to help, see! Will wonders never cease, look who the Houston Chronicle reports the government hired to help clean up the storm damage? That's right... our good friends at Halliburton. You know, the company who has such close ties to Bush he might as well be one of them. Wait... wasn't he one of them once? O Draconian Devil! It all makes sense now! Well... whatever. I look forward to watching Halliburton phuk up NO like they did Iraq (but Iraq is so "weird" no one knows the difference!)... and we'll see that all time-frames for the clean-up are conservative. Conservative, get it?! I slay me! Regardless, I have full faith in the powers of the American Red Cross... so give what you can, or do what you can to help give. Thanks kids.
Update: I just saw a commercial for a Kohler generator. I suspect that the companies who make generators will subtly use the Katrina disaster to try to prove to Americans that they all need generators... "JUST IN CASE!" they'll say. Nice. No one... no one in the WORLD takes advantage of disasters and/or irrational fears better than Americans.

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