Thursday, February 24, 2005

"Hello...?" 'echo echo echo' "Which aisle is the cereal?" echo echo... wait, we meant 'real real real'
Yesterday, like I said, I got pretty tired half-way through the day. I just decided to hit the hay and not set an alarm... see what happens! Well, I'll tell you what happens: I ended up sleeping all day. I slept from about 2:30 to 8. I apparently needed it. Unfortunately, here I am, Thursday morning... having not slept all night. My body is so fucked up... I eat irregularly, I sleep irregularly, and whenever I get back on track, something happens that messes me up again. If it's not an illness, it's mental or hanging out til all hours or just being an idiot. I'm not sure how to get my life back on a regular schedule... although, maybe, the job I'm seeking will do that for me (by 'maybe', I mean 'it will').
Raiders/Vikings trade of Randy Moss...? reports Randy Moss is headed to the Raiders here. This is just another reason why I will get to hate the Raiders (Warren Sapp's still there; Tim Brown and Jerry Rice are gone). I think the Raiders definitely got the better of this deal... as they will now have Jerry Porter on one side and Randy Moss on the other (say good-bye to Rich Gannon, by the way... they're building a big-play Kerry Collins team right now). The Vikings will no doubt use the first round pick on Braylon Edwards or Mike Williams (if they're available)... but are still in dire need of someone who can play defense. I've heard that the Vikings may shop one of their million running backs to get actual defensive help (read: Not Napoleon Harris). That would be a good move, I feel... as they have a million running backs just to make every fantasy football player hate their team. Yeah, and speaking of hating their team... it's going to be harder to do next year. With Moss on their team, it was easy to hate the Vikings. Now I'm mostly indifferent. I still hate Culpepper's "dance"... getting his "roll on" or whatever he's doing. It looks like he's having a seizure, is what it looks like he's doing. And if he did, I probably wouldn't mind. Yeah... I think I'll still be able to hate their stupid fans and annoying "horn" sound at their home games... but hating them just got a little tougher.
Speaking of sports, here's some BBC tennis pictures that are anything but ordinary. I don't know if there's anything I can say besides go check it out.
Late last night, I watched the infamous "Having a Baby" scene again. Honestly, watching those old shows again, I can't believe the audience sat through 20 minute scenes and shows that were HOURS long. But that stupid scene is still hilarious, and it always makes me wonder why I haven't tried to go back to it since. I couldn't do it here because it's too long, and I don't know that there's a way to shorten the scene. We could make it an audience participation scene, where we ask the audience for an emotion. The problem being that you never know what the audience is going to bring out as an emotion... I just don't think it's worth it.
Because I couldn't sleep, I did what any sane person would do: Early morning grocery shopping! The Dominick's near me is open 24 Hours a day... and I couldn't think of anything more productive to do at 5:30 in the morning than get groceries. Apparently I was alone in that thinking... horrifically alone. When I entered the store, I paused at the door to make sure that it wasn't a joke that they were open 24 hours. Even after I had pushed my way through the revolving door, I stood still in the entrance... waiting for a sign that this wasn't a joke. The parking lot had only contained a handful of cars... and I had gone shopping late at night before with at least twice the cars in the lot, but never this early in the morning. Once I saw a man in an apron restocking some oranges, I knew it was safe. I pulled out a shopping cart minus the cupholder and proceeded into the store. SIDENOTE: Since when did a cupholder become a coveted feature to have on a shopping cart? I can't go shopping in a place that doesn't have a stupid cupholder attached to all of their carts. I was lucky that no one was around and that Dominicks has a few carts without it. I mean, do people really go shopping thinking "Oh, this place has cupholders on their shopping carts. They always have MY best interests in mind--Looking out for me."? I find the cupholders to be totally annoying, and have to constantly adjust where my cart is lest I hit someone, something, or someplace with the gi-normous protruding cupholder. Stupid cupholders piss me off. And it's not like shopping is such long and barren process that one would HAVE to intake fluids while doing it or risk dehydration! "Must drink water... can't make it to... next... aisle!" COME ON!
Where was I? Oh... at the entrance, making this story as long as possible. Now I remember. Well, the rest of the story goes pretty quickly. Five o'clock is apparently the time to restock every single aisle. And I know that they have to restock the store at some point... but there was an employee in every aisle with boxes and crates full of food, making traversing the aisles difficult (but not as difficult as if I would have had a cupholder cart!). I think one of the most interesting aspects of the whole situation was that none of the employees even regarded me... no one talked to me or even really looked at me. If you were working at a grocery store at 5:30 in the morning, wouldn't you be curious enough about people who are doing grocery shopping at that time to at least stare impolitely at them? I would. And much of my shopping was uneventful simply because I was ignored by everyone in every aisle. I know I'm all about being alone, and I may have mentioned it being cool to go shopping in an empty store at one point (I'm almost certain I did), but that was an EMPTY store. There's something unnerving and uncool about shopping in a store with people as if there wasn't anyone there. The one time someone talked to me was in the frozen food section. I was getting a couple frozen pizzas for Ken's visit (just in case) and I moved out of the way of one of the guys who was about to stock the shelves with more pizzas. He said "Thank you, sir" and it made me feel good. Good in that he thanked me, and also in that I wasn't invisible to someone who worked there. Finally, as I went to check out, I approached the one lit up register with hesitation. I guess I wasn't fully convinced that I had just done my shopping and could actually pay for it. But the, uh, probably Spanish, woman waved me towards her. For some reason I really wanted to make a connection... probably because I had just been ignored for 45 minutes (yes, it still takes me a long time to do the shopping... too many choices easily overwhelms me). So I said hello and the woman asked how I was, to which I responded "Well, I'm awake. Ha ha." A nice person would have at least smiled. I am a customer. Do you know what I got from the checkout woman? A grunt. I got... a grunt. I knew at that point that there was no point in me even trying to talk to her, so I didn't for the rest of the exchange. At this point in the transaction (during the day at least), I am usually asked if I have a Dominick's card. I usually say 'no, I don't'... and then the, normally nice person at the register gives me a courtesy card that has saved me as much as $15 in the past. This is why I like Dominicks so much... the courtesy card. But rude Spanish woman didn't even ask if I had a Dominicks card and so, for 'bare essentials' purchased at 6:15 AM, the total was $116. Yet another reason why I hate the city. Everything is so freakin' expensive here! It might actually be less expensive for me to make the drive to KZoo, with a cooler in my car, and do my shopping there... hell, I'm already driving an hour out to the suburbs to save at least (and this is on average) $.10 per gallon on gas [At one point it was $.20 cents less in the burbs than close to me in the city]. Ridiculous! Stupid city! There's NO WAY I should be paying as much as I am for the one-room apartment I'm in! Everything here is over-priced! And, if I was making heaving capfuls of money, it wouldn't be a problem... but I'm not. Stupid capitalism.

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