Monday, July 26, 2004

Ice Cream Sunday
Sunday morning started early. I woke up at 7 so that I could get to rehearsal this morning.  The rehearsal was from 9 to Noon, which is apparently early for everyone because it really showed. All the cast members looked groggy and tired. Even the writers looked like they were saying "I don't care if you get my lines right, just get through the f--king scene". The rehearsal went fairly well, overall, with only one or two major screw-ups. Those screw-ups, unfortunately, consist of people not being memorized.
After rehearsal I had three phone messages waiting for me... two from work and one from my son. I'll start with the two from work. We recently had to change our alarm code due to someone's fabulous awesomeness. I won't go into it, but I will say that it involves someone writing down the alarm code and the safe code on a "Coldstone Creamery 1533 North Wells" business card AND labeling the codes "alarm code" and "safe code" and then losing that business card. What an idiot. So this morning the alarm went off and the person at the store didn't know the new code, so she kept punching in the wrong code... and come 10:15 AM the cops came and gave us a ticket for a false alarm (yeah... the cops ticket that shit). I called Brian at noon and gave him the override code just as ANOTHER cop came by to give us yet ANOTHER ticket. I don't know how that's possible to give us two separate tickets on the same day for the same thing... would they have just kept coming with tickets if we couldn't get it fixed? By 10 PM would we have had 5 or 6 tickets? What the shit? So I came in and looked at the tickets... talked to Brian for a bit, and went to the gym for more fun training!
After the training, I rushed back to my apartment, changed and ate, and headed back to the store to pick up Brian. We needed to go to CostCo again, and Brian (being the manager now) should be in on this whole process. I told him I would be willing to go to CostCo for his store... but that once the other stores opened, it was going to be impossible for me to do the CostCo runs for all three stores. On the way back from CostCo, we stopped by the only Taco Bell I know of in the greater Chicago area. Brian misses Taco Bell too, so this is the second time we've stopped there together (hot boy-on-boy action at the Taco Bell). I talked to him about everything my dad and I had talked about Saturday afternoon... and he listened. It was nice to be able to talk to someone about feelings again. It's just different than when you're on the phone... being face to face is so much better. I don't know... it was nice. I also told Brian not to burn himself out, as he's come back from ICU with all sorts of energy... ready to pull ice cream and sing and make his store the greatest Coldstone in the country. All these things are good... but I just warned him to pace himself.
Speaking of pace and no segue, it was "Ice Cream Sunday" on Food Network. They had an evening of ice cream related stuff... and I taped most of it. I was lying on my futon, half watching the tv and half wanting to be asleep or dead. It was supposed to be relaxing, I think, but it kind of wasn't. I've got so much to do in the next two weeks that I might as well have just gone to sleep at about 8 last night and woke up insanely early this morning. Too late now, I guess. Enjoy your Monday.

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