Tuesday, March 29, 2005

As I was walking back from class tonight, feeling pretty good about myself, I came upon a man with a grocery cart full of belongings. I approached him with a heavy anxiousness: I didn't want him to ask me for money... I didn't want him to talk to me... I didn't want to make eye contact. So, as I quickly closed the distance between him and I (I walk fast), I became annoyed (yes, annoyed!) when he stopped to scratch his ankle. I figured it was just a ploy to stop so that he could hit me up for money as I walked past. Because he had stopped, I quickly closed the entire distance and he was soon, in fact, talking to me. Do you know what he said? Do you know what this black, homeless man said to me as his grocery cart, all the belongings he had in the world in one tiny package, blocked my way--my important way--as I walked on the sidewalk? He said... "Sorry." He apologized. I smiled, nodded, and had to concentrate hard not to cry as I walked passed. He's got nothing going for him, but he's still thoughtful enough to apologize for what wasn't even a mild inconvenience. I can't imagine. Sometimes this city is just too damn hard for me.

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