Friday, December 10, 2004

Deadlines approaching
As opening night for Basically Awesome approaches (January 2nd), I'm finding it increasingly difficult to get my group to actually do things that are worth while. We get together and talk about what we should do... and what we need to do to get things done... and what would be "cool" to do... but we don't focus on actually doing anything. And I'm so frustrated. Beyond the fact that I'm the youngest one in the group, and the group seems to be looking at me to figure out how everything needs to be done, I don't seem to be able to get them to really listen. It's like they look to me for answers, but don't listen when I give them. What's up with that? It's like... oh, I don't know. I'm just very frustrated with them right now. Whenever I bring something up that needs to be done... they seem to pretend like they're going to do it... and then nothing happens. I shouldn't say that, Keith seems to be doing all he can... and I understand Adam has two jobs right now, but he needs to get his lines memorized. And I'm just really disappointed in Dave: he's never available; he doesn't get back to me by email; he's not memorized (or even close); and, when I asked him to write the light and sound cues, he just said it would only take about an hour or so. I don't know why that means he can't just do it. But, apparently when something doesn't take long, you can just not do it. Nice.
The good news is that Adam and I created a pretty cool character for me today. I love to be able to play interesting/fascinating characters that I feel comfortable just improvising right away. Hooray!
Hey, I think that the second season of Mr. Show might be my favorite. That has nothing to do with anything!

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