Saturday, December 04, 2004

Feeling Sick + Taking Medicine = CRAZY Dreams
On Thursday night, I had two dreams that I remember. In the first one, I'm eating a video tape in my basement while talking to my sister. I don't remember much else of the dream besides the fact that I was very nonchalant while eating the tape AND I remember thinking about how best to eat the actual film of the tape: should I slurp it like spaghetti? or should I rip it and eat parts like a fruit-by-the-foot? Don't ask me what it means... maybe video tapes are delicious, you don't know.
The second dream I remember even less of... but it is just another example of the weird way I dream. It was a Sci-Fi lameo dream... where aliens have captured the humans on their ship, and the humans have to fight to survive, etc. Whatever, right? Well, this is where I get all weird, even for me. I don't think I was in this dream. The 'main character' was a woman about my age, and she was saving two other, younger people. And they were running through the ventilation system (aliens need bigger ventilation systems, so they were running, what?). I don't know about you, but I think it's weird to have dreams where you're not even there... you're just watching it like a movie. Whatever.
Last night, I had a stupid little dream where my blog was published earlier than I wanted. You see, I write for a while and then I save the post as a draft and come back to it. It's very rare that I sit, write, and post all at one time. So in the dream, I accidentally posted my rough outline of a post and somebody asked me what was up with my last post... and I was all "Oh no! My blog!" because I'm lame.

Speaking of lame, I recently visited a little website called We Are Not Please allow me to copy and paste the welcome statement. This is from the wearenotsorry website:
"Welcome to We Are Not Sorry where our name says it all. We have nothing to be sorry for. November 2nd 2004 was an affirmation that true Americans still believe in what is good and right for this country. President George W Bush personifies what Americas is, which a strong , courageous, GOD loving, and a moral nation. We are tired of everyone beating up on the United States and we are standing up to all the anti-American people out there that we are proud of our country, We do not believe that we are perfect by no means, but we continue to strive to be as great a nation as we can. But November 2nd was just the beginning. We still have many things for us Not to be sorry for. So enjoy your visit with us and may God Bless You and may God Continue to Bless America"
I did not alter this text from the website WHAT-SO-EVER. Notice that Bush personifies what "Americas is". And follow the rest of that sentence, if you can. I like that they are "standing up... that we are proud"... and notice a comma ends this sentence. "We still have many things for us Not to be sorry for"... I don't even know what that's supposed to be saying. And Look! In America, any Word can Be Capitalized for No reason! Ha ha!
Yes. As if the horrific slaughter of the English (or should I say American?) language isn't enough, they also have pictures! If you click on the photos link, I think you'll be surprised by how many people with big guns aren't sorry. Or maybe you won't be.

As if this filth wasn't enough, there's an even worse website out there. Rhea, I suggest you not go to this one if you're having a good day... because it's only going to get you all worked up and you're going to talk all fast and I'm not going to know what you're saying... and then you'll leave comments where you start with the word "What" but you're asking a question, but you didn't include a question mark so I have to read the sentence about four times before I figure out that you should have left a question mark. Anyway... check this website out This is their welcome (taken directly from the website):
"Welcome to, a website created to help arm the liberty-loving Silent Majority with ammo -- ammo that strikes at the intellectual solar plexus of the Left."
Since when was the majority silent? They seem to do a pretty good job telling us what they think when they think it. And like the Republicans need more 'ammo'... don't they have all the ammunition? Didn't they see the other site? But, as far as a website standpoint, this one is much more professional, intelligent, and therefore scarier to me than the other, stupid one. Honestly, this website is very well put together... and they seem to be well organized as a group. I even like one of their t-shirts: "End Racism & Sexism Now! Kill All White Males". I think that's funny, and a good idea. Except, I think their point is that the statement they're making is ridiculous, where as I disagree and think it's a viable option. Regardless, it seems this website's favorite saying is: "Except for Ending Slavery, Facism, Nazism, and Communism, WAR Has Never Solved Anything". While I understand the point they're making, let's look a little more closely, shall we? Hmm... Perhaps no one has told the 1.2 billion Chinese that communism has ended. But the bigger problem here is saying that war "solved" problems, and "ended" things. While they have a point with Nazism... I believe slavery was ended peacefully by Lincoln and "solved" peacefully by Martin Luther King, Jr and others during the Civil Rights Movement. Regardless, it's important to know what the "other side" is thinking... so check out this page, if you get the chance.

This Friday night was my forth performance of the ADs Cut... and it was by far the best. We had the audience from the very beginning... and it seemed we could do no wrong. I love it when that happens; when it seems the audience will come with you no matter what you're doing or saying. It's very rare, but when it happens... it's like magic. Even during the Se7en scene we were getting big laughs. My friend Adam came and saw the show. And he said that I got a huge laugh because, at one point in the scene, I gave a half-smile as John Doe... just half my mouth curled up, and the audience laughed. That's how with us this audience was. It was an awesome experience.
Afterwards, I stuck around and saw a show called Voices of Freedom. It's a two-part, poetry, theatre, and hip-hop festival of awesomeness. Well, at least the first part was. It was broken up into the New Skool Poetics and then the DMG & The Freedom. The New Skool had this slam poet named Kevin Coval. When I watched him, I thought "Damn, I wish Nick was here to see this." He was GOOD... DAMN good. He's been on HBOs Def Poetry like three times and he's been part of the Chicago National Slam Poetry Team... he was really really good. So that was awesome. The second part was a little self-indulgent... about a woman who went to jail basically because her boyfriend was a bastard. I got the story from her in different ways (songs, poems, acted out) about a dozen times... so I could really get into it, if you wanted me to. But it was, as Nick would say, 'self-indulgent bullshit art.'
After that, Adam and I stayed to watch the midnight double-bill of My Naked Friends/The Animal Club. My Naked Friends did an improv show... and half the group was good, and the other half was pretty crap. But they had a hot red-head so I was riveted the whole time. And The Animal Club was good... even though I thought there was a chance that they could be a whole bunch of douches. They had a video of themselves to open the show... and it was them, like, having fun and rehearsing and it had all their names like it was an opening for a sit-com or something and I thought to myself... "Oh crap, here we go again." The last time I saw something like this for a live show was the Amazin' Blue concert... and they turned out to be huge douche-bags. But, I should've known... they all go to Michigan. Anyway... like I said, The Animal Club was good... but they've been to Caroline's Comedy Club in NY. And they're from Pennsylvania, so even being at The Second City is big for them... and they have a quote from a San Francisco paper on their poster saying that they're "one of the best sketch groups in the country," and I thought to myself, "I don't think they're THAT good." They're not THAT good... but they are pretty good, and the show was funny. Check out their website if you want to know more about them.

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