Tuesday, December 21, 2004

"I don't know about you..."
That started an interesting sentence that Jim, one of the writers of my writing five show, said tonight after rehearsal. He said, "I don't know about you, but I think our show sucks." And, unfortunately I had to agree. I almost don't get it. I mean, the writing, I thought, was good. The actors ARE good: talented and funny. But something happened... and it ended up being a shitty show. I sit at rehearsals and have to try very hard to avoid shaking my head at what's going on on the stage in front of me. I AM having a hard time just sitting there while others act out my words... and I DON'T think they're doing it "right"... and I KNOW that I have to let go some of that if I want to be a writer; but maybe I don't. Maybe I don't want to be a writer... ? Or maybe I should view this as proof that my writing needs to be more clear for the actors. I need to stick every subtle nuance in the writing so that it's not mis-interpreted. The problem with that being that it leaves little for the actor to add to the scene him/herself... and I love being able to let the actors add something extra, something clever or witty or funny that I never would have thought of. I guess that's too bad for me if I want it the way I want it, huh?
I suppose I feel the same way about Basically Awesome. What started as talented writing for talented performers has turned into me trying to get everyone together to rehearse... or, at the very least, to take the five minutes it would take to memorize their lines. *shakes head* I'm so frustrated with that show it's unreal.

In other "poop on me" news, my fantasy football season is over. I lost in the first round of the playoffs to some dude who finished the regular season in 7th place. In protest to my "spent most of the season on top and now could only hope to finish 5th", I've benched my team for the last two weeks of the season. I'll take 8th place... I don't care. It's unfair to go through the whole season in first or second place, lose in the first round of the play-offs (one week), and be able to finish no better than fifth. It's not Nate's fault, certainly... it's my fault for never seeing this as a possibility. Plus, I really do like football more when I don't have to worry about rooting for one player on one team and another player on the other team. I want to be able to root for my favorite teams and to hell with everyone else.

Speaking of football, let's talk TOs injury. I feel that the Eagles will now collapse under the weight of their own expectations. Look for another loss in the NFC Championship game for the Eagles... as they won't be able to believe in themselves. The game becomes very mental in the playoffs, as all the teams are the best of the best. What separates teams is mental toughness... and the Eagles will collapse due to the emotional loss of TO. Maybe that makes him the MVP of the league? *shakes head* Nope. That award should be going to Peyton Manning this year.
And as long as we're talking football... let's talk about the Robert Ferguson hit/injury. The hit was vicious. Whether or not he was going for the ball should be irrelevant... it wasn't a clean hit regardless. You're taught to see what you hit... lead with your shoulders and keep your head up. Darius did none of those things, instead choosing to physically strike Ferg like a wrestler, with a very weak and cheap elbow. I hope Donovan Darius has a conscious and it stops him from sleeping. Get well soon, Robert Ferguson... I hope you regain feeling soon.

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