Monday, January 24, 2005

The Cultural Impact of Fingernail Polish
This afternoon I got hooked watching Mystic River on HBO. I've seen parts of it on HBO before, but never from the beginning... so, when I find myself watching it, I always stop myself after a minute thinking "shoot... I wish I would've seen this from the beginning". Well, today I did. And, even though I was captivated by it until the end (it held my attention), the ending left me so unsatisfied that I hope I never see it again. Yep. It was one of those movies that you like all the way through, get to the end, and say "Well... at least I'm glad I saw it once." What a waste of two and a half hours. *sigh* I'm glad I saw it once.

Tonight was yet another Writing Five Rehearsal. We really didn't block anything new... and I'm starting to feel like a douche for not having more stuff memorized, because it seems like everyone else is very much on their way to being done. Only Brian and I are REALLY still looking at our scripts... which makes me feel like I'm irresponsible or something. But, come on, we haven't even blocked the whole show yet... how ridiculous is it to be off book when the whole show isn't blocked. I guess I have more of a mental problem with it than anything. Once I can get my head into just sitting down and doing it, there won't/shouldn't be a problem. Additionally, now that Basically Awesome is over, I've got extra room in my head for more scripts. Heehee... oh it's true and you know it. My memory is probably about 20 megs, which makes me completely obsolete, but it also means I don't have space for new stuff while the old stuff needs to be in there. Regardless, I've got the brain room now, so look out!
During one of the breaks of our rehearsal tonight, we were all talking about Johnny Carson, so I was able to do my Johnny Carson impression... which, as I've said before, is pretty much the only impression that I still do well. One of the writers liked it so much, he made me do it again when another of the writers came back from the bathroom. -- Quick sidenote on me: Don't ever ask me to do "that one thing" that I do that's funny. If you put me on display, if I'm put on the spot, I just shut down. My head says "No way. Fuck you" and I just don't do whatever you asked. The trick, if you want me to do something specific, is to dance around it and then let me think I came up with doing it on my own. It is not as difficult as you think to manipulate me. Just ask... oh, nevermind who to ask. Just trust me, manipulating me is fun and easy.
Tonight we also came up with a name for our writing five show. After much deliberation, we came up with the title: "Sweet Pumpkin Pie and Other Niceties" I like that name, it has a nice ring to it. And I can type "Sweet Pumpkin Pie..." like that, when I'm talking about the show. Not like the last show I was in with the huge-ass name. Also, Sweet Pumpkin Pie has a nice visual attached to it. And, maybe, the actors will get free pumpkin pie out of the deal. Mmmm... will act for food.

When I got back from rehearsal, I checked my mail. I had two things of interest in my mailbox today: The first was from Albion College. I finally got something from that says to me, "Confirmation! We know you're going to England!" It was an England travel information pamphlet thingy from whoever Albion's getting to coordinate this trip. I'm not as excited about getting the pamphlet as I am about simply getting something from Albion saying "yes, we have been receiving the large checks of money you've been sending and you will, in fact, be going with us." It was a relief, honestly, just to get something from the school... because the first payment I made was when I had a job. And we all know how long ago THAT was! So, yes, I'll be going to England with the Albion College Choir in May. Hooray!

The second piece of mail I got today was from my son, Nick. He sent me a birthday present: pictures of our trip out West. Looking through them was like being washed over by memories... some of them swam right past me, but some of them made my clothes damp. I never said I was good at analogies. At any rate, there they were: pictures of Nick shaking a gorilla's hand a la Wise Blood; Nick attempting to pick Jefferson's nose, but actually poking his eye; me looking pissed off while trying (successfully) to beat Ken in NCAA Football for XBox; and a picture of Nick next to a long-forgotten-named waitress. I forget why we did this, but we started taking pictures of all of our waitresses (not waiters... who cares about them?). I'm trying to remember anything I can about the specific picture he sent. I remember we were in a truck stop/gas station... and I remember that I felt a little uncomfortable in that particular truck-stop. More than most of the places we stopped, I felt we really stuck out in that particular restaurant. I don't remember where we were, though. The dining area opened to the gas station convenience store... and it was very smoky. Where were we? Maybe eastern Colorado... some place in Kansas? And I just noticed Nick's black finger-nails, which the host in a restaurant in Cody, Wyoming, thought made us gay. Interesting, huh? How something as some and subtle as fingernail polish can change a person's perception of you. People are stupid.

#3 Worst of 2004 - Whatever Happened To... "Whatever happened to..." became my least favorite game in 2004. As new people entered my life here in Chicago, old friends disappeared. Perhaps this is one of my least favorite things about myself... though I am phenomenally caring to those around me, I am quite forgetful of those who are not. Unfortunately, for me, 2004 brought about a new place, new faces, and the loss of many old, dear friends. Perhaps, with work, 2005 will bring about resurrections.

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