Thursday, January 13, 2005

I have been putting off reordering checks for at least a month because I'm not really sure how one goes about reordering checks. So I haven't wanted to go to the bank and ask them what to do like an idiot... but I am an idiot, and I needed someone to tell me what to do. I actually decided to go to the website and see if I could at least get some kind of information so that I wasn't completely ignorant when I went to ask what to do. The interesting thing (not really interesting) is that I don't know how to check my account online. I'm not sure if there's something I need to type in, or something I need to set up at the bank, or anything... I don't know anything, really. Not knowing anything ever, I wisely decided to find all the loot they gave me when I set up my account there, to see if they gave me something that tells me how to set up my account online. As is my lot in life, through my infinite stupidity came true enlightenment. I didn't find anything that told me how to set up my account online, but I did find something that told me how to reorder checks online or by phone. Since the online thing was still confusing me, I decided to just call someone. After punching in about thirty numbers, I actually got a real live human being on the other end of the phone. His name was Bob... and, at one point he called me "buddy." Very friendly young man, he was. We're good friends.
With my new-found banking prowess, I actually went to the bank to deposit some money my parents gave me for Christmas. The good news: they gave me a lot of money. The bad news: with buying stuff for Christmas AND the amount of my normal monthly bills, I've pretty much already spent it all. It was coming to this realization that has solidified my need for a job. Any job. The weird thing is that it's not even as if I WANT a job. I want money... but I don't want to work. This is SUCH a change from last year when I desperately wanted a job... and I felt like a complete waste without the job. Right now, I don't even feel like I'm bored without a job. I have so much going on every night that I'm still doing stuff every day. I've got rehearsals, class, and performances that fill my week. I'm not bored! I don't want a damn job, damnit! But I need money... *sigh*
To make me feel better, today I started playing Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time again. I bought it MONTHS ago and only played it for about fifteen minutes before I started doing something else. I really enjoy this game because the story is so INTERESTING... it reminds me of Eternal Darkness in that I want to keep playing the game, not necessarily because of the gameplay, but because I really want to know what happens next. The gameplay of Prince of Persia isn't bad, either. The Prince has some sweet-ass moves... but even something cool like running up a wall and jumping to a ladder whilst avoiding saw blades and spikes gets old if you have to go it six or seven times to get it right. If you get something like that right the first time, you go "Whoa! Sweet moves!" If you have to wait until the sixth time, you say "About darn time! Geez!" For only $20 on most systems, it's worth checking out if you like platformers (Ken?).

Tonight I went to see The Second City e.t.c show: From Fear To Eternity. It's a little more "common" Second City show than the mainstage show... and I still really liked it. Jen Bills is awesome, again... and everyone in the show seemed to add something unique and hilarious. There's a guy they got from the Second City Las Vegas stage, and he's AWESOME! He's new to the cast, but he's going... um... somewhere. I don't know where he's going, but it's up. He's good.

After the show, I came back to my apartment and started messing around with Launch Music @ Yahoo! Launch is a music provider that shows music videos for free. You can also, if you have a yahoo ID, rate the music so that only your top music plays and everything you say "never show again" never gets shown again. In theory, I guess. Because I watched it for a while, scoring the music videos and stuff, and then it showed a couple of artists I scored as "never show again" (like Ashlee Simpson). But it IS nice to see all the videos that the kids are talking about now-a-days. BTW, I only went there to see Lindsey Lohan. I know she can't sing, and I hear she's a bitch... but I like to look at her, because I'm shallow and she's pretty!

#7 Best of 2004 - The Year Of The Blog! Oh yes, kiddies. 2004 was not only a full year of this here blog, but others as well. I feel as though this blog gave metaphoric, or maybe verbal, birth to at least half a dozen other blogs. And, like all parents should be, I'm very proud of my babies. But in 2004, I have watched them be born, breathe, and--in some cases--already die. It's hard to write about yourself every day, huh kids? This has just stiffened my resolve to keep this blog as up-to-date as possible. Regardless... I added some great stuff to the ol' blog in 2004, and my writing has (at least, I think) improved in the year. Allow me to congratulate everyone who has at least attempted to keep a blog in 2004... keep trying! It's fun!!! And everyone loves to read them, and then not respond if you ask specific, fun questions like "what's your favorite post of mine?" or "what do you think of this thing I wrote?", but they WILL reply VEHEMENTLY if you say that all women are lazy and useless. Even though it's true. Oh yes... I've learned a few things about this "blog" business in the past year. I'm so old! Blogs are great!!!

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