Sunday, January 30, 2005

Truisms About The Irish People...
If Vodka is made from potatoes, then how come the Irish didn't invent it? Seems to me that Ireland would be the perfect place to create it. They like potatoes; they like drinking... you'd think SOMEBODY would have tried to put them together in the history of their civilization.

This has nothing to do with anything, but I thought I should mention that I've been into Crossfade for the past couple weeks because of that stupid Launch thing. I love that song ("Cold")... and perhaps I like the group so much because I think that they're a lot like what Outer Core would have been if we stayed together. The lame guy with the hat, sideburns, and the 'bling' who doesn't play an instrument is me... and the lame guy with the goatee who sings, plays the guitar, and who does the "acting" in the video is Ken. The rest of the band that you don't really see is... the rest of our band. But I'm totally into that song because that would have been us (if we hadn't ended up like Linkin Park. There's more of a chance that our sound would have lent us to sounding more like Crossfade anyway). And I really want that stupid dude's hat! It's like and Independent hat or something (I know from Tony Hawk games, I've seen that cross on his hat before). Whatever... Ken and I would rock that song. I wonder if they have it Karaokee anywhere... that would be awesome. We're awesome... ly lame.

Today was spent finishing the first season of MacGyver, rewriting my resume, playing some KOTOR II, and catching up with a few people on the phone. It was also spent going a little crazy about all the things I should be doing, but aren't for one reason or another. The day seemed to go too fast. Now... let's get on with this last part... because it's been a long time coming.

#1 WORST OF 2004 - THAT FATEFUL DAY IN LATE SEPTEMBER... This should not come as a surprise to anyone. Possibly one of the worst experiences of my life was being fired from that job by that woman on that day. It is my sincere hope that no one who reads this blog will EVER be treated like I was treated that day. I was treated less than human... and worse. As someone insane... dangerous... violent... I was approached with condescension, a hidden smugness, and an air of passive aggressiveness. There are so many things I wish I would have done differently... but, most of all, I wish that I could just get over that atrocity and move on. I've made some steps this year... and maybe I'll get a paying theatre gig and I won't need to go back to being the kind of person I was... or maybe I'll be in a better environment and I'll only be doing my own job instead of everyone else's and that will be better too. We'll see, won't we? Hello employment 2005!

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