Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Erection Day... the polls are up for Bush
All that optimism from yesterday is gone as electoral-vote.com shows Kerry currently at 262 electoral votes and Bush at 261. Yeah... Kerry "lost" Wisconsin and Ohio since yesterday. Kerry DID "get" New Hampshire, but somehow Bush and Kerry are now tied in New Jersey, the broken penis state. I believe the current split of the nation is really making me want to puke. Honestly, I don't know what a person who is voting for Bush could possibly be thinking, unless they're super-wealthy. I think that's probably one of the reasons the nation is so divided: Bush supporters have no understanding of why someone would vote for Kerry, and vice versa. It's like we're not even speaking the same language. One of my stupid classes in Albion (I forget which one, but I think it was Great Issues in something) would say that both groups have different... something... values... something. I don't remember. The point is that every time a Kerry supporter mentions no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a Bush supporter mentions 9/11. For every talk of allowing gay marriages, a discussion of Bush's no child left behind ensues. I mean, I don't know that an intelligent discussion between a Kerry supporter and a Bush supporter could even occur. *sigh... shakes head* I'm still moving to Canada.

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