Saturday, November 20, 2004

"'Where you off to? Lookin' so pretty?', 'Baby, it's Monday Night Footbaw... game starts in ten minutes'"
I think it's probably time for me to weigh in on TOs MNF intro. If you haven't seen it, you can see it on IFilm here. Do I think it's kind of clever? Yes. Does it make me want to see Desperate Housewives? No. Only the supremely hot Teri Hatcher makes me want to see that show, but she's not enough for me to actually watch it. Furthermore, if the game had been any good, we probably would've been talking about it, instead of the intro to the game. While I like Tony Dungy... I think he was way off. I don't think this has anything to do with the stereotypes of black men and white, blonde women. I think this has everything to do with TO being the biggest star on Philly... and ABC wanting to sell Desperate Housewives, a show which is basically about sex (not that there's anything wrong with that, but if you've seen other commercials for the show, they're all about trying to sell sex). Understandably, I'm coming at this from the White male perspective... but, like someone said, TO wasn't the aggressor of the skit, Nicolette was. This was just a stupid skit that was trying to get MNF fans to watch Desperate Housewives.

Last night in Detroit the Pacers/Pistons game was called due to a brawl. I haven't seen the whole thing, but it's one of those things that makes me unhappy to be from Michigan. It's just so stupid. Why try to physically fight the Indiana Pacer players? Because they were winning? Because Ron Artest is a douche? Or maybe because you were drunk and thought you were better than the NBA athletes. "He's not so tough, I could take him"... please. This is another reason why I feel alcohol should not be served at sporting events. If you're going to watch the game, watch the f--king game. If not, I'm sure they're somebody who'd rather have your ticket. "Oh... but John, taking beer from "fans" is taking money out of my rich pockets. I can make a profit of $3 per beer, because I'm selling them for six f--king dollars at the stadium." Sometimes this country sickens me.

Speaking of, I finally went about watching the O'Reilly Factor. He makes me angry to be Irish. Things like this come from his mouth: "If you're going to believe Fahrenheit 9/11, believe it. But you're a nut." He's the kind of person who is technically, grammatically asking a question... but there's nothing that's actually a question about what he just said. I think we'd call this "leading the witness" in the law realm. And, when you disagree with the "question" he's asked, you already sound like an idiot. This only proves that there's no way to intelligently disagree with rhetoric hidden in question form.

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