Thursday, February 12, 2004

Ken and Barbie break up... right before Valentine's Day... figures
Today I somehow feel a lot closer to that blond-haired freak, Ken. Mattel says that the new Barbie will be "Cali Girl" Barbie, who will "wear board shorts and a bikini top, metal hoop earrings, and have a deeper tan." Yeah... just like a woman: dump you and then completely change her look and get a new wardrobe. In addition, Mattel says that Barbie and Ken "will remain friends." Yeah... I'm sure Ken's thinking after 43 years together he really wants to still be friends. Hell... after 43 years, most couples are just waiting for their significant other to die. Well Ken, if you ever want to plan that blonde slut's demise, you know where to turn buddy.

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