Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I'm tired! I'm always tired!
Another football 'person' said something stupid. Big surprise... well, I think the surprise is who said it. Bill Parcells, talking about his offensive coordinator and he said that Payton likes to include "Jap Plays" (trick or surprise plays in this context). >sigh< Why is everyone in the sport I love so stupid? How about this... why is everyone who isn't me so stupid? Of course you could answer that, but you're not me and are, therefore stupid. (Cut to John skipping over the "how to keep people coming back to your site by not alienating them" section of a website creation manual)
Tampa Bay wins the Cup. Boy I wish I cared. I told Jim that I'm happy for the dude who owns the Lightning (because he also owns the Pistons). But none of the Lightning fans are hockey fans... they're Tampa Bay fans. They don't give a shit about hockey... they just are happy that their hometown team won the championship. (Notice I didn't say "won the cup"? I don't think people in Florida even know that the Cup is what is won. Florida sucks... the Lightning sucks... the Marlins suck... the Bucs REALLY suck... and their governor really sucks hardcore)
311 Greatest Hits... what? Yeah... 311 has a greatest hits album coming out today. There is only one song from both Music and Grassroots (the first two heavily released 311 albums). And, despite my wish that they included more songs from the earlier albums, the album looks pretty good. And there are three new songs (including their awesome cover of "Long Song")... and so I'm probably going to be really lame and buy it, even though I already have most of the songs.
Speaking of lame, have you heard about the movement to put Reagan on face of the $10 bill? Screw Alexander Hamilton. What did he ever do... besides being the FIRST secretary of TREASURY? We don't need to put him on money.
There's also a movement headed by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher to put Reagan on the $20. What a fantastic idea! Hell... let's just treat money like we treat architecture in this country. After about twenty years it's time to get something new. New is better! Old is boring! I've got an idea... let's put both Bush's on a re-issued two dollar bill! Or, better yet, let's change the money every time we elect a new president. That way, we can better relate to all those Middle Eastern countries that we keep looking down on.
Finally, in the ultimate effort for compromise, they're talking about Reagan on half the dimes. Let's just kick off FDR from half the dimes... that's fine. I mean, they're basically the same president. Reagan had his Reaganomics, Roosevelt brought us out of the Great Depression with the greatest first 100 days of any president in this country's history... Reagan "won" the Cold War (a war with no actual fighting), and Roosevelt lead us through World War II. I mean, could you get any more similar than that?

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