Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Well... today sucked
I'm actually not even sure why today sucked so hardcore... but it did. I woke up early to work on a script: a script which I had no ideas for subject or how I could make it funny. And this weekend wiped me out so much from the Art Festival... and Andrea told me Sunday about some changes that are going to be made in the next few weeks that are going to be stressful and tiring and lots of work. So it was one of those days when you wake up, think about what you've got to do that day... and are already too tired to deal with it. In addition, it was the kind of day when you try to lie down for a half an hour nap, and the phone rings on three separate occasions, so you just turn it off and say 'poo on this nap'. At any rate, I had to go from having no ideas for a scene, to a full written scene in one day. I hate that. So most of my day was spent trying to figure out what I was going to write... and writing crap just to have something written.
I'm also in a bad mood because of the QSCE report. For those of you who don't speak "corporate bullshit" (this means everyone but Randi), our QSCE is basically a way for the corporate Coldstone to check to make sure that no one is being fed feces instead of ice cream (a more common problem than you'd think). And the guy came the day after the busiest weekend that we'll have all year... which is just further proof that someone in our area hates us... and wants us to look bad. Bitches.
In addition, my writing class tonight was difficult emotionally. We had to make a list of the 10 most embarrassing/humiliating moments of our life... which we then read to the class. There was actually one memory that I had suppressed until I starting thinking about everything embarrassing and shitty in my life... and then it came flooding back (how awesome is that?). An exercise like that tends to put one in a good mood... and the best part is that our assignment for next week is taking one of them and making it into a scene. How awesome is that??? I can't wait to put something humiliating that happened to me on paper. I promise I won't cry (but then again, my promises don't mean anything >_< )
But, then again... it could be worse.

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