Thursday, June 03, 2004

Peach Jello. What are John's legs made out of, Alex?
AH!!! My freakin' legs! Don't worry... they don't hurt, kiddies. They just feel so damn tired right now. Actually, I'm mad at myself. Thad had a much longer workout than I could do... because I'm just not ready to do everything yet. I couldn't do all of the different sets he had me doing... I was just (oddly) weak in certain muscles and I had no idea. What's weirdest is that we were working my legs, which I always thought were my strongest part. And, basically, it pisses me off. Like most things in my life, I want to be good right away.
I'm looking to write tonight some... but I'm feeling really too tired. >another sigh< too tired... I'm not sure how much longer I'll be awake. I hope everyone else is having a better night... and maybe out enjoying the summer, instead of hating everyone who wants ice cream. :)

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