Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Isn't it funny that the first time I get hit on in months is at a gay bar?
Both yes and no... that is and is not funny. Tonight Brain (from work) took me around Boys Town in Chicago. It was pretty cool. We went to a Thai restaurant and talked about all sorts of things... Brain's a very open and honest person, so conversation flows pretty easily. Plus, he's from Atlanta, so I'd talk to him anyway just to hear the accent. From there, we went to this bar called "Bucks"... where the large black bartender proceeded to call me 'handsome' and I was called 'baby' a couple of times. I got the first round... getting whatever Brain got (which happened to be a rum and Coke), because I wanted to blend in and not be the "straight guy" at the "gay bar", even though it was a gay bar and that shouldn't be in quotes. I was going to stop at one drink, but Brain loudly called me a "puss" and said that he'd buy, so... fine, another one. And then the bartender wanted us to do a shot with him... so I have no idea what he gave us, but he said he'd make something "smooth" for us, and it was smooth. When he asked us how it was, we replied "smooth" and he gave us another one of the same thing. It was a sour citrus minty something... I don't know drinks... leave me alone. But I do know that four drinks in an hour is probably closer to my limit than one drink. And that's all the story that you get. Bye :)

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