Thursday, October 30, 2003

CrazyJohn and Crazy Dream Number 2-
I don't remember as much of this dream as last night's... but I do remember that my roommate from freshman year, Rob, showed up and I was like "Sorry I can't catch up now Rob, my clone and I are trying to save the world... and I've gotta go >insert something heroic here<". Yeah... that's right... it was a "save the world" dream... and I do remember watching something that looked like the grunts from Halo being blown away. And I do remember that I was very confident that I would save the world because, a la Groundhog Day, I had already saved the world from this exact situation... and there were two of me. Nyquil is some good shit... let me tell you. That's really all I have to say about that... have a crazy day :)
PS The Strokes are a useless useless band.

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