Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Cubs win! Cubs win!
My boy Jimmy Shy came over tonight to watch the game. We decided to wait until the World Series before we start overturning cars and lighting the ever-growing piles of trash. Not that your old pal CrazyJohnSC thinks rioting is good, kiddies... but there's just something about causing massive damage in groups that's so... satisfying.
I want to thank both my Cable Guys for spending two and a half hours at my place this morning getting the cable and internet set up. What a pain in the ass that was! But they both stuck with it and got it fixed... huge props to them.
My obsession with "High Fidelity" continues today, kiddies, as I am now a third of the way through the book. Yes, not only can I say most of the lines of the movie, I'm fully engulfed in the book as well. Odd how many ways this book can touch me, since it's inanimate and I don't feel like it, as I've got a headache.
Sidenote... yappy-type dogs sniff at the inside of elevator doors because they know how it opens. Weird, huh? They just stand there and sniff away, waiting for the door to open.
Good lord there's nothing to say about today. I did, however, realize how much better big cities are when you have money. As I sit and eat more EasyMac, I think about how I could be outside... just down the block, eating at a very nice Italian or Japanese restaurant. But... no money. For those of you who have it... or who are making it... I tip my hat to you and continue what I hope is not a futile search for a job.
Oh but there's a crazy wind blowing tonight kiddies... it might be a great day tomorrow. Hope you have a crazy night :)

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