Thursday, October 30, 2003

CrazyJohn on being gracious-
Ok, so a guy stopped me tonight and gave me a sob story about how he was trying to feed three people and needed money to buy some Hamburger Helper or something, right? Ok... so he said he had two dollars and some cents and he needed three dollars and a lot more cents... so this was his salespitch to me, k? So I gave the guy sixty cents (which is what I had) and he looks at me all disappointed. Disappointed??!!! You're now sixty cents closer to your goal, asshole, and the only work you did was ask some fat white guy for money (by the way... a fat white guy is a pretty safe bet for money... I mean, he's gotta get money for ALL THAT FOOD somehow)... so don't give me that "oh shit, I know you got more money than this" look... You just got money for free... be f--king gracious, or at least indifferent as opposed to being disappointed. Please!

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