Tuesday, October 07, 2003

October 7, 2003
Rants falling from the sky!
Walking around Chicago again today… I figured out that it was way too hot to walk around. Damn was it hot today! A bank I passed said that it was 93 degrees… but I don’t trust talking banks. Nevertheless, it was damn hot. I found that I have a Subway, in addition to my expensive Quiznos, and I’ve got a Coldstone! Made me think of Courtney, down there in Hotlanta. That also reminds me… what’s going on with the cities my friends decided to move to? I mean… the cities to which my friends decided to move. Right… I digress. Atlanta??? What is the deal with the church murders/suicide? All my friends out in California… Recall? Schwarzenegger??? WHAT??? Vegas??? Roy getting mauled by a tiger? Since when did my city become the least crazy?
Less crazy as it is, my town still has problems. While I was at Piper’s Alley, there was a man in the restroom using a stall (we all know why)… he finished, left the stall, and walked out… without washing his hands. AND HE WAS A POSTAL WORKER! This is the guy who touches your mail. That’s right… you’ve got mailman feces all over your mail. How does that make you feel?
This, my dear kiddies, brings me to a rant that has been a long time coming… CrazyJohnSC on the anatomy of men’s public restrooms.
First of all, let’s start with the exit. All men’s public restrooms should open out… NOT IN! The reason (as we have seen) is that guys don’t wash their hands… they just don’t. I’d say at least two-thirds of all guys who use the urinals walk out without washing their hands… and I don’t want to go into how many men don’t at least attempt to look like they tried to wash their hands after using a stall. Please, for the love of all men who wash… open the doors out!
Second, let’s talk urinals… Please put dividers in between the urinals… for the love of GOD. I don’t want to know another man that well, ok? That’s all I’ll say about that.
Next… let’s not put the urinals in a high traffic area. This puts our back to other men. And we don’t trust men like women don’t trust men, because men cannot be trusted. It’s really simple, actually. Just never trust a man… even a man you trust. There… that made sense… and I move on…
A side rant against the air dryers… like I want airborne germs to be dried ONTO my hands… no, this is not what I want. Give me paper so I can make sure germs from hands end up disposed of. Thank you.
I don’t know where I was going with this. It doesn’t matter… >sigh<. I finally realized how people in big cities can feel so horribly lonely. It actually makes a lot of sense, if you think about it. So I was walking around today and I noticed that everyone else was walking WITH someone else. I seemed to be the only one walking by his or herself. And being surrounded by people who have other people when you don’t have anyone… nothing can make you feel lonelier.
On that note… a huge thank you to Laura who called out of the blue tonight to catch up. I really appreciate everyone who’s called to catch up or chat… as these week has been more difficult than I care to mention.
There’s nothing crazy about my night or yours… but crazy dreams are sure to be on the way. Goodnight :)

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