Saturday, April 17, 2004

I feel like poop *cough*
Cake Fiasco! Andrea let me sleep in until around 1:30 after the long night last night. But she called and asked if I'd come to the store and work on some of the cake stuff. Do you remember one month ago when I spent an entire day learning how to make these damn cakes? Well... it was hard to remember everything... plus we were both so tired... plus I don't feel well. So, basically, we didn't get a whole lot done. We didn't get anything done, really. We just spent a long time talking about everything we would need to effectively do this program. We did go across the street to this sandwich place for lunch/dinner... that was fun. It's a good place, I think it's called Fresh Choice or something like that. But basically we ate and then gave up. Cakes suck.
But, while I was in the store, Andrea was playing the Euphonics CD. Yeah... the Euphonics finally got some play in the store. While it was playing, some dude asked me where he could get a copy... so I gave him the website. He runs a Jazz club somewhere in the city and he was really interested in the group. I told him that they're still performing... and hopefully he'll try to contact them. Hooray!
Anyway... Greg and Jonathan called me and I ended up spending most of the night at Moody playing HalfLife. That's right... HalfLife. Jonathan is very good and jumping around and hitting people with crowbars. That's funny. I. Sucked. A. Lot. I got shot... and hit... and arrowed... and shot some more. It was lots of fun... but I'm really tired. And I feel pretty crappy. Hope you're having a good night :P

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