Sunday, April 18, 2004

Nothing to say almost always equals a long post
Yeah... I've really got nothing to say besides the fact that I'm grossly ill. I spent most of the morning sleeping... and have basically been lounging around my apartment all day. I don't understand this... but having gone to bed at midnight, I woke myself up at 7. It's like even when I have the time to sleep... I don't let myself. But at 7 I said "Screw you, me!" and went back to sleep.
I hate the NFL Draft commercials. You're either going to watch the draft or you're not... no one is going to be persuaded by a freakin' commercial... I'm sorry!
Wow... I really don't have anything to say. I've got a script to write for tomorrow... it's a parady (which I realize that I'm really good at, because of my anal retentive attention to detail), but I'm not really coming up with any ideas. Well... I kind of am, but I feel too tired to do anything about it. I would really like to just lie down and watch sports and nap all day. Which, for the most part, is what I've done. But I don't have the luxery/time to do that. I have had a few ideas float through my head though... whatever.
It's gotten to the point where I'm wondering why I'm spending $240 every 8 weeks on my writing class if I'm not going to put the $240 worth of effort into it. I mean... I might as well just write on my own until I'm ready and able to put forth the effort. Improv is different because all I have to do is show up... but I need to put forth some effort in my writing class; and I'm not. I'm just not...

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