Sunday, November 02, 2003

CrazyJohn on homesickness-
Yesterday was the annual Michigan/Michigan State football game... the "battle for Michigan" as it is so often called. And, as I sat and watched it, I was inundated with locations from my past: Birmingham, Montrose, Flint, Saginaw, Ypsilanti. And I couldn't help but feel homesick... and not just for Michigan and my home, but for Albion... the place where I learned about most of those locations. Before I went to Albion, hearing the name of those places didn't mean anything to me... but now they do. Now they connote people, memories... and there's just a certain "hey... I know that place" that makes me feel good, especially since I'm in a place where people say "Yeah... I live on the South Loop"... and I think "Uh... what?". But, eventually I'll be able to hear that a guy is from Arlington Heights and I'll say "oh yeah... I know where that is." (Coincidentally, Jarrett Payton [the son of Walter J.] is from Arlington Heights... noticed that when I was watching the Miami/Va Tech game) (Also, Arlington Heights is WAY north west of me, even though his father's HIGH SCHOOL [the Walter Payton College Prep High School] is right behind me...
at all times... right behind me all the time... I turn around and I'm like "Jesus! Walter Payton College Prep High School! Don't follow me so closely!" And the Walter Payton College Prep High School says "Mmmwaarrghhhaahhuuhhhh" because it's a big freakin' building and you can't expect articulation from a building that big! Hell... you can't even get articulation from today's youth, how can you expect a building to talk so that you can understand it?)
Speaking of which... I have a SPECIAL REQUEST RANT!!!
Ok... so here you are, typing to someone online and (if you're me) you say something funny that makes the other person laugh. But, how do you know that they are laughing? They respond "lol"... which is short for "I am currently laughing in an audible fashion" or something. This is good... this communicates what is happening on the other end of the conversation. HOWEVER... there are those people who type "lol" when they are not, in fact, laughing out loud. This is not good... this is bad because it doesn't nothing to further the communication between the two people talking. You are stupid people... there is nothing else I can say to really get my feelings across. You either go with me calling you stupid or me calling you a liar... as you are lying about the state of your laughter.
"How does this tie in to what I was just talking about?" you ask? "Who's blog is this? Shut your mouth" I respond. It ties in, because these people are likely to be the same people who don't actually use words when they talk to you online. These are the "how r u?", "c ya l8r", and "ttyl" people. Guess what you're telling me people... go on... guess... I'll wait.
>sits... looks out window... checks watch... fixes an omelet<
Are you done? Good... the real answer as to what you're telling me is this: I'm too busy and not really into this conversation enough to type the extra "y" and "o" of the word "you." Wow... that makes me feel important, thanks. Why are you even talking to me if you don't care enough to type two more letters? Because you are a lazy apathetic American youth... and you're just like everyone else my age. >sigh< Oh my generation constantly makes me happy to be going gray and losing my hair already. Wait... did I say that out loud? What I meant was... I'm glad I'm well hung and have what has been described as a magical tongue. Right... no one bought that. Ok... go back to the first one then...
Anyway... that was a special rant for a special (and hot) young lady. If you have something that you want me to rant about... toss me an email. If you don't... then don't bother me. I'm way busy doing dishes... and laundry... and vacuuming... and boring myself to sleep. Have a crazy day :)

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