Monday, January 19, 2004

Where the hell did my weekend go?
Exactly my question... where did my weekend go. Between work, missing cars, and more work... the whole weekend just up and left me. >Shrug<
I've been meaning to say something about this for a while... and I think I'll say it now. Friday there was a door/gate put up next to the backdoor of Public Storage on Wells... between the Storage place and Bel Odor, a stupid little coffee place. The only reason this is significant is that the backdoor of Public Storage had been someone's home. I saw him sleeping there a couple times... the first time, I thought he was someone's disgarded sleeping bag, because that's what he looked like. But he was a real person... and that was his home... and who knows where he is now?
The city is too hard... and I'm not strong enough to see that without it tearing me apart inside. I guess that's why I'm beginning to feel so numb in this city... just numbed in general. And not just a normal numbed... I mean, I feel numbed to everything... just completely even emotionally. I don't REALLY want to get into it... but it's to the point where you want to FEEL something, ANYthing... just to prove to yourself that you're still alive.
I need sleep... goodnight

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