Tuesday, January 27, 2004

You just never know what people are capable of...
Well... you know how today started: as a gift. And what did I do with that gift, you ask? Paid some bills, did some dishes, started typing up my scene for next week... that's about it. The moral of this story: don't ever buy me anything.
On my way to class... I saw that Emily was in the store tonight. Emily, if you'll recall, is the only high school student who works at this particular ColdStone. Emily has also not been to work for at least two weeks. Now if you're having a good day/evening... I think you should skip this paragraph. But, if you feel like feeling terrible about human beings, please, read on. Emily has not been to work for a while because one of her very good friends from school died.... was murdered... by his father. I got the full story tonight... Emily said the father, hyped up on meth and a little drunk to boot, came back to the house (from wherever one purchases meth), pulled two guns from his closet and proceeded to shoot his wife 7 times in her sleep and THEN went into his son's room and shot him 5 times... in the head. The son (Emily's friend) had been listening to his headphones, and hadn't heard the mother dying or, we assume, his own death. Five times in the head... >sigh, shaking head<. And get this, this is my favorite part, the father's defense: he says that he killed them because they were trying to "poison him." Yeah... that's the defense... they were trying to poison him. Did anyone remember reading the part where I said he was on meth and alcohol? Isn't it only in America when a STUPID FUCKING DEFENSE like that is even attempted? My second favorite part of this whole situation: I met the guy, Emily's friend. I met him about a week before he was murdered... he came into the store to visit Emily and he stayed in the store while we closed. Yeah... so Emily filled in the holes of the story... and she showed me her new tattoo... It's a headstone with wings that has R.I.P. and the young man's name on it. And I said it looked cool... and that it was really great... and I hugged her. I hugged her as tightly as I could... and I didn't know what to say, so I hugged her tighter. It's so weird... for all the shit I said earlier about how working with her was like being back in high school, I missed her and I feel so bad for her right now. I can't imagine... can't imagine what she's going through. She's obviously still in mourning... and she even somehow found a black shade of lipstick... just unreal. That's why you can never be too careful... because you never know what people are capable of. Of what people are capable... right.

Class was... um... class almost sucked. It tried to suck in the beginning... we did the Symphony of Rants game, but Jen, the instructor, didn't know how to conduct us very well... so that game kind of sucked this time around. We also started the class with this STUPID STUPID thing... I'm not even going to go into it, but it involves the phrase "bipity bopity boop"... and I sucked at it because I knew how stupid it was.
>shrug< But we eventually played a talking (gasp! talking?!) yes, talking game... where we had to have our eyes closed. It actually went really well... for everyone in the class... except it felt a bit cheapened by the fact that Jen, the instructor, prefaced our talking scenes by saying that she hoped we wouldn't resort to "dick, penis, and fart" jokes. What're we, high schoolers lady? Jesus Christ! I'm 23 years old... and I'm one of the younger people in the class... have a little faith. But she's been teaching for "eight years" so that makes her the expert. (I'm hoping you're catching the sarcasm... and I don't really like her as an instructor).
I called Laura tonight. It's weird... because she's seeing someone else. That's not the weird part... that was to be expected... the weird part is that I was honestly happy for her. I mean, she's my friend, and you're supposed to be happy for friends... but she's also my ex, and someone with whom I was trying to patch things up this past summer. And, in those instances it's generally accepted to want the person to be unhappy for the rest of their lives. But something weird happened when we were on the phone... I was able to hear how excited, how schmoopy, how just plain happy she was... and I was happy. This was something I've been trying to learn from my friends Alex and Colleen... they always seemed to be happy for and rejoice in other people's happiness or talents. It's something I thought you'd have to be in a better place in your life to do, at least a better place than I'm in. I mean... it seems like a long time since I felt the initial attractions of love... when everything is exciting and new, and you're just happy to be alive because you want to know what's next. But, apparently, you don't have to be in that place to want good things to happen to your friends. Even if those friends happen to be ex-girlfriends.
That thought wasn't formulated well. But the gist is that I'm actually genuinely happy for someone, even though I'm not really in a happy place myself. There... concise. Anyway... Laura and I had a good conversation, as we are known to do (when we're not arguing for no reason)... and that's about all. I'm just typing and getting ready for bed... as I have an early meeting with Andrea and Seth to go over some things on the computer (I think... I never know what the meeting are going to be about until I'm in them).
I'm feeling especially meloncoly right now... I hope it goes away, as I played Hamlet once (unsuccessfully) and I don't wish to do that again in real life. (but it's kinda cool to go a little crazy and knowingly aid in the murder of two of your friends) (not really) (yes... really)

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